Author Archive
Caster Semenya Case Exposes IAAF Hypocricy
On August - 20 - 2009
Since winning the women's 800 metre final at the Athletics World Championships, Caster Semenya has been asked to or has (the IAAF don't seem to have a clue) taken a gender test.
Does something smell not quite kosher?
As a South African, we are extremely proud to have Caster bring back gold to the southernmost country on Africa. Having being raised in Limpopo, South Africa's northernmost province, and only being 18, Semenya has a bright future ahead of her if the IAAF's bungling of the situation doesn't take a turn for the worst.
It is appalling that the IAAF let it be known ...
The Wada Code: Is It Justified?
On August - 13 - 2009
The BCCI's recent refusal to become a signatory of the Wada (World Anti-Doping Agency) code opened a proverbial can of worms in relation to the invasive nature of testing. More specifically, athletes are aggrieved that they have to notify Wada, or the body that represents them that signed the Wada code, of their whereabouts for an hour everyday so that they are available for testing.
A previous piece that was written by this author stated that the BCCI was obliged to sign the code, regardless of its invasive nature, due to the lack of viable alternative and what it implies about ...