Author Archive
Prelude to an Ugly Truth: (SLY) Fox’s Involvement With Bleacher Report
On August - 5 - 2009
I don't know why this didn't occur to me earlier, but it just hit me this instant.
I was messaging Stoker Mac (b/r's preeminent boxing authority), asking him about articles of his that have been deleted. I commented that I've had two pulled, both dealing with Rush Limbaugh.
I happened to glance in the lower right corner of the Web page (all the way at the bottom, mind you) and saw the Fox logo.
Then it hit me like a bolt of stupid lightning.
Rupert Murdoch controls Fox.
Rupert Murdoch is a staunch Republican.
Taking a guess, I'd say he's probably a big fan of the ...
Delving Inside the Minds of Irrational Fans (aka “IFs”)
On July - 7 - 2009
Before I joined Bleacher Report about two months ago, my discussions about sports were pretty tame.
My friends and I pretty much take the same approach when it comes to sports. While we are fervent in our defense of our favorite teams and players (my friend Kyle and I have had some epic Montana vs. Marino debates), we also are able to discuss our favorite teams logically and rationally.
But in my time on this site, I have encountered a different kind of fan—the kind of fan who doesn't respond to reason or logic.
These people are the irrational fans.
For the sake of ...