
Local Event Sports Association

Author Archive

Miguel Cabrera: We don’t know the whole story and we may never know the whole story.  The two parts that trouble me most about this story are, “Do you know who I am?” and, “You don’t know anything about my problems.”  No, Miguel, I don’t know anything about your problems. But I really don’t care any more about your problems than you care about mine.  That may sound cold, but at 54 years of age, I learned long ago that the typical morning query from my colleagues—“How are you today?”—is at best perfunctory. If I thought they really cared I might be more ...

Backstop: A Baseball Love Story In Nine Innings Now Available!

By J. Conrad Guest On January - 1 - 2010
I’ve always loved the game of baseball. What’s not to love? A simple game─hit a round ball squarely with a round bat─with simple rules: reach base, move the runner along, and score more runs than your opponent. My dad took me to my first ballgame, a Tigers/Angels night game at old Tiger Stadium, a game which the home team won. I was but seven years old. The Corktown district in Detroit, in the early 1960s, had not yet fully deteriorated, and the 1968 race riots were still a few years away. Al Kaline was my childhood idol, and ...

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