
Local Event Sports Association

Author Archive

Sportswriter’s Credo: First—Do No Harm!

By jillie jones On May - 29 - 2009
Usually when I write one of these “think” pieces, everyone heads for the fall-out shelter, sure that I am going to whine and carry on about another form of mistreatment I feel has undeservingly befallen me.   I prefer to think that I am exercising my right to express my opinion about an injustice.  You call it whining; I call it defending myself.  Shallow shades of differentiation.   To be fair, I have defended your right to read no-content articles that feature smutty pictures of scantily clad cheerleaders and no-brain fans.    Instead of pretending to read, I say get some binoculars and make your peek-a-boo fetishes ...

About LESA

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