Author Archive
Kellie Wells: More Than a Hurdler
On June - 24 - 2010
Kellie Wells is more than just a track-and-field athlete.
She is one extremely sexy model with a tight body,
As a former NCAA All-American in track and field, she is currently pursuing the Olympic gold full time.
Wells runs and models for Nike, and we at the "Lion's Den University" got the privilege to interview her. Generally she does the running, but after this slide show, I wouldn't be surprised if its you who tries to chase down more pictures.Begin Slideshow
The Biggest Choke Artists In Golf History
On June - 20 - 2010
Dustin Johnson's chances of winning the U.S. Open disintegrated right before his eyes.
Johnson started the day with a three shot lead over Graeme McDowell but gave it all back at the 2010 U.S. Open (and then some) with a triple-bogey, double-bogey performance on holes two and three.
Don't think he is the biggest to blow leads in Major golf Championships...
Here are some of the best (or worst)...Begin Slideshow
The Hottest Soccer Babes In Body Paint
On June - 20 - 2010
While not every girl in this slideshow represents a country in the 2010 World Cup, does that really matter?
When you click your way through the slides, are you really paying attention to the team that the girl is wearing? ... didn't think so...
If you're paying attention to the country they are wearing, you've come across the wrong slideshow.
Enjoy!! (and see more of the Coach's galleries at 'The Lion's Den University')
*Warning - Women Are Wearing Only Paint... oh' and socks and cleats...*Begin Slideshow
The 20 Hottest WAGs of the 2010 World Cup
On June - 15 - 2010
The term WAG is an acronym for Wives and Girlfriends. Usually when someone mentions WAGs, people would immediately think of the English team’s wives and girlfriends.
Their hotness became such distractions that made England’s Coach Fabio Capello ban the team’s WAG from the 2010 World Cup. This post will go beyond the English WAGs.
To be honest with you, it’s very tough to put together a list of the 20 hottest World Cup WAGs since soccer players date and marry the hottest girls compare to other professional athletes.
Count how many models dated soccer players compare to other pro-sports athlete’s WAGs. So ...
Seven Sexy World Cup WAG’s Promote Umbro Kits
On June - 13 - 2010
Umbro knows how to market sportswear! Period!
The apparel company has launched a new line of World Cup Soccer themed shirts or 'kits' in honor of the seven nations that have won the title and they’ve gathered wives/girfriends/baby mammas of players from those national teams to model them – sans pants.
Commonly referred to as WAGs across the pond (Wives and Girlfriends of sportsmen) these young women are the best around the pitch.
These seven sexy women from all over the globe show young boys everywhere that winning the World Cup isn’t the only reason to become a professional soccer player!
Begin Slideshow
2010 FIFA World Cup Drinking Game
On June - 12 - 2010
I know there are a couple variations of FIFA World Cup Drinking Games out there right now, but most of them are not realistic. Chances are you would be going back and forth to the bathroom by halftime for having too many drinks instead of enjoying the game with your buddies.
Please note the author of this article and the owner of 'The Lion's Den University' are not responsible for whatever happened shall you decide to take parts in this game. Neither the author nor site owner encourage you to consume alcohol. Please drink responsibly.
Before the start of the game, ...
The Boston Celtics Dancers Are Hot!
On May - 31 - 2010
With the 2010 NBA Finals among us, the Boston Celtics are set to battle it out against the Boston Celtics.
With Rondo playing the way he has been. The 'big three' in Boston can now be considered the 'final four' and we all know they have a great chance to win their second championship in three years.
With all that aside, so many people talk about the Lakers Girls and I put this gallery out with my prediction at my homesite 'The Lion's Den University' and thought all of you who aren't familiar with us should get to see these ...
The Laker Girls Are Extremely Hot!
On May - 31 - 2010
With the 2010 NBA Finals among us, the Los Angeles Lakers are set to battle it out against the Boston Celtics.
Personally, I think the Lakers will take the Championship, repeating and putting Kobe's fifth ring on his hand classifying him as one of the greatest to ever play the game.
With all that aside, I put this gallery out with my prediction at my homesite 'The Lion's Den University' and thought all of you who aren't familiar with us should get to see these pictures... for obvious reasons.Begin Slideshow
Is There Anything Sexier Than The Hawks’ Ice Girls?
On May - 31 - 2010
With the Stanley Cup Playoffs among us and the Hawks' battling it out with the Flyers, only one thing (in my opinion) is certain...
The Chicago Blackhawks will be hoisting Lord Stanley at some point in early June.
I predicted here on Bleacher Report, and my home site 'The Lion's Den University' with a gallery of these stunning Blackhawks Ice Girls...
I figured I'd add the gallery here for everyone to enjoy.
Begin Slideshow
NHL’s Hottest Ice Girls
On April - 27 - 2010
It is no secret that the NHL is having a hard time selling tickets in the U.S.
In Canada, when the ice needs to be shovelled or hats cleared off the ice, you see kids skating out to do it…
In the U.S., you see “ice girls” come out as the NHL’s way to please the crowd and fill seats in struggling arenas.
No, I am not complaining, I just find it funny how the NHL markets itself… but I have gained a new appreciation for the Islanders and it has nothing to do with John Tavares.
But man, these women are hot... Los ...