Author Archive
What Do Our Favorite Athletes Think Of Us?
On August - 1 - 2009
I've always wondered how great athletes view their fans or amateur journalists who are dedicated to writing about their lives and exploits.
I think this is the best place for us to reflect together on this topic.
Do Federer, Woods, Mazza, the players of the Dallas Cowboys or the Chicago Cubs, Paul Lavesque or Van der Saar, (among others) perhaps know their fans or people who write about them?
To what extent is, then, the dissemination we do about their game or lives? In what way do THEY affect our lives?
Many people believe that athletes should be role models, mainly regarding overvalued fair-play ...
What Do Our Favorite Athletes Think Of Us?
On August - 1 - 2009
I've always wondered how great athletes view their fans or amateur journalists who are dedicated to writing about their lives and exploits.
I think this is the best place for us to reflect together on this topic.
Do Federer, Woods, Mazza, the players of the Dallas Cowboys or the Chicago Cubs, Paul Lavesque or Van der Saar, (among others) perhaps know their fans or people who write about them?
To what extent is, then, the dissemination we do about their game or lives? In what way do THEY affect our lives?
Many people believe that athletes should be role models, mainly regarding overvalued fair-play ...