
Local Event Sports Association

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It has been called the most violent hit in NFL history.   It also has been called simply a case of bad luck in the extreme, a fluke.   It was almost certainly among the most unnecessary hits ever put on a player. Many fans have forgotten it; others are too young to remember it. Anyone who saw it would not, could not, forget it. I saw it, and I think about it often. I think about it during every preseason game I watch. I think about it every time I see a player for any team being carried off the field on a stretcher. I think about it every ...
It has been called the most violent hit in NFL history.   It also has been called simply a case of bad luck in the extreme, a fluke.   It was almost certainly among the most unnecessary hits ever put on a player. Many fans have forgotten it; others are too young to remember it. Anyone who saw it would not, could not, forget it. I saw it, and I think about it often. I think about it during every preseason game I watch. I think about it every time I see a player for any team being carried off the field on a stretcher. I think about it every ...

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