Ninety percent of professional athletes loathe the limelight that their high-profile jobs thrust upon them.
They hate the cameras, they hate all the interviews, and they don’t understand why fans care so much about their day-to-day activities. These are the guys who consider sports to be a job; any extracurricular activities outside their respected playing fields are like chores to these guys.
About 99.9999 percent of professional athletes learn to accept and understand their role in the sport and entertainment society. They make the right public appearances, they stay after to sign the extra autographs, and they grasp the level of their superstardom among fans in their respective cities.
Then there’s this one guy.
He’s been on the cover of dozens of magazines.
He’s changed his last name à la a rock 'n' roll phenomenon.
He helped make Twitter.com mainstream in the sports world.
He’s starred on a reality show on VH1.
He’s launching his own cereal and video games.
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