
Local Event Sports Association

Archive for April, 2011

With the announcement of a new Broadway production on the rivalry of Larry Bird and Earvin Johnson, the rush is on in the theater world for young talent to take their jump shot to the bank. Luckily for us, this will not be a musical. Alas, in the world of actors, few thespians may have the wherewithal or talent to play tall basketball actors. Since stage actors are all fairly unknown, the stars will be cast from faceless throngs of young black and white men at a cattle call. Now, movies are another story altogether. In their prime, Woody Harrelson and Wesley Snipes already ...
Leave it to Doc Rivers to give us something quotable. He was so thrilled with the return to form of Rajon Rondo that he called his guard’s back-to-back 22-point games “coach’s porn.” We wondered what kind of performance would be elicited from Rajon if his coach were the dynamic Mae West of the bawdy double-entendre, forerunner of the triple double-entendre. We are reminded of the great advice from sex goddess Mae West, whose words can be adapted to today’s basketball in the NBA. Mae once said, “It’s not the men in my life, but the life in my men.” That ...

Major League Baseball 2011: A Diversity Check

By Lake Cruise On April - 1 - 2011
How does Major League Baseball grade for diversity in 2011—64 years after Jackie Robinson broke the color line?  Take a walk with me along the river of my thoughts and grading scale, and you’ll probably be able to pick my brain for the answer by this column’s end. No longer just a buzzword in college business classes, diversity is a must in almost every walk of global corporate life.  Those who believe in trickle down philosophies will agree diversity in practice has leaked from the board room to bored people in rooms across America’s heartland. Americans who are mired in the mud of self-hatred ...

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