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Top 11 Go-To Moves for White Athletes

By Alex Akita On January - 7 - 2010
White people. Gotta love them for trying. They may not be the most athletic race, but they find ways to make it work. And usually in making it work, they employ an exclusive set of moves that have the rest of us scratching our heads, trying better to understand what the hell is going on. No, these moves might not be graceful, or even practical. But they work, and that’s what really counts. Today, we bring you 11 of the greatest go-to moves ever employed by the white athlete. Because this much effort shouldn’t go unrecognized.   11. The Submarine Delivery Sport designed for: Baseball Patented by: ...
I like soccer, but it hasn’t always been that way. As a kid, I used to hate it. Played it when I was in second grade, thought it was boring, quit, and never looked back. It was a lot of running for nothing, a lot of standing in the pouring rain, and a lot of unnecessary shots to the head. It just wasn’t my thing. As a teenager, I got back into soccer by watching the World Cup. At first it was a nice segue to my afternoon nap, but after a while I actually began to watch the games. Played at its ...
There have been thousands of sportswriters across the nation who have offered their opinions on the Erin Andrews nude video scandal, and now it’s time I offered mine. The only thing most pundits can agree on regarding the scandal is that it’s an unfortunate, heinous crime that completely violates Ms. Andrews and her privacy. From there, however, the assessments vary wildly. Some journalists have made it their mission to aggrandize an isolated incident and accuse all men, in general, of being perverts who objectify women. Others have taken it upon themselves to share the blame in allowing this whole mess to occur in ...

What if Michael Vick was White?

By Alex Akita On May - 27 - 2009
What would the world think of Michael Vick if the former NFL quarterback was white? Would we be as quick to blame him for his past mistakes, including most notoriously, the dog fighting ring he was found guilty of operating? Would we have labeled him a sociopath, as Seattle radio host Kevin Calabro has done? Would we be decrying his freedom, and challenging his opportunity to return to a life that might possibly include a future, once again, in the NFL? If Michael Vick was white, would we be more forgiving? If Michael Vick was white, would we withhold the name-calling, the labeling, and the ...

What if Michael Vick was White?

By Alex Akita On May - 27 - 2009
What would the world think of Michael Vick if the former NFL quarterback was white? Would we be as quick to blame him for his past mistakes, including most notoriously, the dog fighting ring he was found guilty of operating? Would we have labeled him a sociopath, as Seattle radio host Kevin Calabro has done? Would we be decrying his freedom, and challenging his opportunity to return to a life that might possibly include a future, once again, in the NFL? If Michael Vick was white, would we be more forgiving? If Michael Vick was white, would we withhold the name-calling, the labeling, and the ...

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