Author Archive
Is Tiger Woods’ Personal Life Public Domain?
On December - 5 - 2009
Right from the start, I want to admit that I am not a writer of professional golf. I am not a writer of celebrity mishaps, blunders, or other scandals.
I usually write about boxing, baseball, or sports in general. But when a chance to join the thousands of blog writers everywhere, I must say I am intrigued by the “need to know” attitude of celebrity fans.
Tiger woods is arguably one of the most recognizable icons in the world. Not only is he the best golfer in history, the wealthiest athlete in history, he is probably the easiest to fall prey to ...
Is Smokeless Tobacco OK in MLB ?
On September - 2 - 2009
Let me preface this article by saying that I do not nor have I ever used tobacco of any kind.
Much has been said about athletes—baseball players specifically—being role models for youngsters. The current villain (steroids) is being dealt with severely by MLB and rightly so.
While they are busy rounding up documents on every thug who has used the illegal substance, baseball players all around the league are using smokeless tobacco. I know, I know, they have used it since the sunrise of the game. That is not a viable excuse sir, and it will no longer do.
It seems like only ...
Article No. 100: The Last One ?
On July - 28 - 2009
Any time a person arrives at a milestone, it is worth mentioning.
I realize I am only one of thousands of writers who have used the Bleacher Report readers as a springboard with which to fan his or her passion.
It is fulfilling to realize I have actually written 100 articles now. Obviously none were masterpieces, but I do hold high hopes that not many were complete stinkers.
By sharing our mutual knowledge and experiences, I feel I am a little better at it now than I was when I began. Not to mention, the gifted writers I have come in contact with.
I ...
Take Your Mean Mouth and Hit the Bricks!
On July - 21 - 2009
I may stand alone on this subject, but if so, then alone I stand.
It is my belief that B/R was established and is maintained for the purpose of allowing amateur writers to have a forum in which to hone their skills.
I don't believe visitors to this site intend on watching peeing contests between authors and those making comments.
I stumbled on an article just a moment ago and was appalled at what I read. Nothing resembling an article about a sport, an athlete, or a team. It was a rebuttal to a stream of profanities and slurs against an author who ...