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Spoiler alert! If you are a fan of The Bachelor 15 and do not know what is happening online, then stop reading. Reality Steve is eating crow again and losing credibility. He missed on last year’s The Bachelorette and is retracting his statements on this year’s The Bachelor. For a long time, Reality Steve has been adamant that Brad Womack picks Chantel O’Brien on the final show. Now he admits he is wrong and states on his blog that Brad picks Emily Maynard. This comes as no surprise, as it has been so obvious on the show that Brad gives Emily “special” attention—so ...

NASCAR Needs to Intercede for Emily Maynard

By Michael Chung On February - 23 - 2011
Spoiler alert, if you are a fan of the Bachelor 15 as well as the Bachelorette, stop reading now! Reality Steve is reporting that the next Bachelorette will definitely not be Emily Maynard.  This is bad news for Emily fans.  As was reported earlier, it appears from Internet rumors that Brad Womack does not pick Maynard but Chantel O’Brien.  Rumors have swirled that Emily could be the next Bachelorette.   Reality Steve writes,  "As I’ve mentioned all season long, the “Bachelorette” would be Emily’s gig as long as she wanted it. She’s beautiful, she’s got the tragic back story, ...

Emily Maynard: Could She Be Nascar’s Secret Weapon?

By Michael Chung On February - 19 - 2011
Spoiler alert, if you are a fan of the Bachelor 15 and are unaware of the internet rumors then stop reading now! Bachelor Brad Womack is closer to determining who he will choose.  Emily Maynard appears to be the favorite.  She has swept the hearts of America with her touching story of losing the love of her life, NASCAR’s Ricky Hendrick, in a tragic plane accident.   The story has another enduring quality, almost a week after Ricky’s death, Emily found out she was pregnant with their child, a girl. Emily has captured the hearts of both men and women.  Her outer beauty ...
The NFL is the most popular sport in America which is why football fans are on pins and needles during labor negotiations. For the average person, it seems like the owners and the players are purely greedy.  Both sides already make a lot of money and seem to want more at the others’ expense.  But is it pure greed that is motivating the players?  Are there deeper aims to the negotiations? George Cohen of the U.S. government and the director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service has been brought in to help both sides.  Hopefully, there will be an agreement ...

Middle East Conflicts Make Auburn-Alabama Feud Look Trivial

By Michael Chung On February - 19 - 2011
We are at an unprecedented time in history.  In just 18 days, the people of Egypt were able to oust the 30-year rule of Hosni Mubarak.  Now, other Middle Eastern countries have been emboldened to do the same.  The media has reported that in Libya, Yemen, Algeria and Bahrain, uprisings in protest of the government are occurring.  As of Saturday, February 19, 2011, 84 people have been reported killed in Libya and at least five in Bahrain.  Men and women are willing to take a stand and give up their lives in order to attain more freedom, a freedom that is ...
“The Pen is mightier than the sword.” Edward Bulwer-Lytton, writer of the play Richelieu.   “If the game of life ended tonight, would you be a winner?” This is the first sentence to Jim Tressel's book, The Winners Manual.  A statement he has dedicated his life to.  Tressel is teaching his players and the world that to be a winner in life does not mean you have great achievements, but that you have great character.  He is not keeping these truths to himself or the football team; they are being shared in book form with all of us. Not only is he one of the most successful coaches in college football, he ...

Emily Maynard: NASCAR and the Nation’s New Sweetheart

By Michael Chung On February - 5 - 2011
America is falling in love with Emily Maynard. An event planner for a children’s hospital and a contestant on the Bachelor 15, Emily is vying to be the winner of Brad Womack’s heart. Her tragic story has become national news. Emily is ready to love again after the love of her life, NASCAR's Ricky Hendrick, was killed in a plane crash on October 4, 2004. He was 24. Ricky Hendrick began his racing career at the age 15. On July 7, 2001, Ricky Hendrick became the youngest driver to win his first race. On the show, Emily and seven other contestants had a group ...

About LESA

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