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An interesting and timely article appears on the front page of The New York Times website. Titled, "Sports Medicine Pioneer Subject of Doping Inquiry," it tells of a "Canadian doctor who is under investigation by the F.B.I. because he is suspected of providing athletes with performance-enhancing drugs." Please check it out at the following link. You might notice some familiar names. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/12/15/sports/15doctor.html?hp It wasn't all that long ago that so many of us were either blinded by or failed to see what was going on in Major League Baseball. Take a look back at some of baseball's stars prior to the early 1990's. Look ...

God’s Work: It’s Not Just Another Job

By Mike Casella On December - 2 - 2009
In case you were wondering, that's what I do. Well, that's what the gentleman who I was blessed enough to caddy for the other day told me. Yeah, God's work.   See, once he found out that I was a teacher, he deigned my work (in the classroom, I'm sure) to be that of a higher order. "We need more people like you in the world, Mike," he told me. And he thanked me for doing such noble work. As I cleaned his clubs. And watched him drive off in his Bentley.Read more Sports & Society news on BleacherReport.com

Tiger Woods Has Got the Whole World in His Hands

By Mike Casella On December - 1 - 2009
He's getting away with something. Something I couldn't get away with. That's the bottom line on the recent Tiger Woods story. That's what's bugging me. And I'm not even sure what it is (although I have my suspicions). This episode reminds me (again) of the gulf that exists between sports figures and fans. And I keep finding myself on the outside looking at and in. I can't even pull off not cleaning the litter box for a day before my wife is screaming at me at the top of her lungs. Never mind providing fodder for the paparazzi. Are you kidding me? Yeah, it's ...

Ole Miss: The Birthplace Of a Yankee

By Mike Casella On December - 1 - 2009
Nothing would ever be the same again. You must go. A book was purchased for me called "Mr. Lincoln's Camera Man: Matthew B. Brady" by Roy Meredith by a woman named Grace. Inside the front cover was written, June 2, 1990 Dearest Michael, The only reason I that I have inundated you with Civil War books is because I fully believe in your cosmic connection and attraction to that time, those people, and those events; I believe in your absolute, imperative need to make that trip next week; and I believe in you. Enjoy every joy and pain you take; take everything, see everything, touch ...

About LESA

There is something about me..
