
Local Event Sports Association

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For the past two days I was involved in a debate about the fine handed to Roger Federer for his antics at the U.S. Open. My stance was, and still is: he used foul language, so what? Did he pull a Ron Artest? A Michael Vick? Dante Stallworth? Anything remotely similar? Did he hurt anyone? No. He simply had a mouth with which a man should not kiss his mother. Is he the only person to display his or her "potty mouth" while the cameras were rolling? No. The author of the Federer article, along with another reader, decided that I was naive because I ...

Kanye West Interrupts the Sporting World

By Shane H. On September - 19 - 2009
This entire week has been all about musician's Kanye West's outburst during Taylor Swift's unexpected acceptance speech at the MTV VMA's. Mr. West thought that Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video should have defeated Swift's "You Belong With Me." The segment became one of the most talked about moments in MTV history. Heck, President Obama even made his feelings felt on West and the incident. For those who missed it, head to YouTube. Anyway, I've decided to channel my egotistical, silly hairdo, paparazzi hating rapper and see how Kanye can interrupt several spots in sports history. **Shane Howard can be found on www.hittheropes.com. Listen ...

About LESA

There is something about me..
