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Author Archive

Injuries In The NHL On The Rise: Heads Up!

By Eric Warren On November - 16 - 2009
I don't think poor Don Henderson (above) could get much prettier! The subject of injuries to hockey players, specifically NHL players, has once again been thrust to the forefront. With the focus primarily on the perceived  increase of " head-shots ", GMs, while meeting in Toronto this past week, agreed to em-panel a study group of managers  to research  the phenomenon. The group will report to the league’s General Manager meeting in February in Boca Raton. “I do think there’s a sense that when there is a shot to the head to a player who is vulnerable or unsuspecting, ...

Nick Kypreos, Mike Danton, and a Classy Act By a Classy Guy!

By Eric Warren On November - 12 - 2009
Only hours before the airing of the interview by Sportsnet's Nick Kypreos, some one posed the question to me, "Do you think that Mike Danton will play again?" My "knee jerk" reaction was, "Man I hope not, this is the NHL, not the NFL!" Before I get any deeper into that, please join me in giving a big "shout out" to a good guy and one of my favorite sports radio personalities, Alex Seixeiro . As we all know, Remembrance Day is a day set aside to honor and remember those brave men an women who have sacrificed in order for us ...

David Branch: Out On a Limb?

By Eric Warren On November - 5 - 2009
David Branch is President of the Canadian Hockey League, as well as Commissioner of the Ontario Hockey League. He is also human. There has been a great deal made in the last day or so regarding the suspension of Micheal Liambas for his hit on Ben Fanelli. While a great many people and sports personalities are agreeing with it, I'm just not sure it was the right call. After watching his interview on 'Off The Record ,' and watching the replay of the hit repeatedly, I not only think that Branch was wrong in the severity of the punishment, I think ...

About LESA

There is something about me..
