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Over the past two weeks I've read several articles about the World Cup. Surprisingly, a lot of the articles have had settings in bars and watching fan reactions to the games. Since this year's World Cup is in Johannesburg, South Africa, all of Team USA's matches have been in the morning hours. This hasn't stopped bars from opening up at 9:00 AM or so to cash in on folks skipping work to catch a game. Of course, since you're at a bar and watching sports, why not have a beer, or two, or several? I'm not passing judgment, but to me that seems ...
Early Monday morning University of Virginia Women's Lacrosse player Yeardly Love was found dead in her apartment off campus. Just hours later fellow men's lacrosse player George Huguely was charged with first degree murder. As of writing this those are the only facts in the case that have been released by police. However, that has not stopped many on Internet message boards ranging from ABC News to the Washington Post from posting about how this kid should burn at the stake, or how he was just another privileged athlete who didn't get his way and killed this poor ...

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