
Local Event Sports Association

The Impact of Advancing Modern Medicine on the NFL

By Dave Siebert On May - 16 - 2013

Back in the 19th and early 20th centuries, surgeons used chloroform—yes, that chloroform—as a general anesthetic.

It was during that time in 1886 when Dr. William Martin published a suspected case of chloroform toxicity in the British Medical Journal. These days, the National Toxicology Program lists chloroform as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen."

Ah, how far we've come.

For better or for worse, medical science is in a constant state of flux.

For instance, treatments based on tradition and "how it's always been done" mentalities are now giving way to evidence-based decision making. What's more, less-invasive interventions are trumping more-invasive ones while improving rehabilitation plans continue to reshape recoveries.

Yet not all is coming up roses.

Performance-enhancing drugs continue to plague the news on a seemingly daily basis, and e...

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