Author Archive
Congress Loves Sports: So Why Don’t They Try to Fix NCAA Recruiting?
On March - 6 - 2011
We have an unemployment rate that is still atrocious. People continue to lose their jobs in this country at an alarming pace.
Our health care system is unacceptable. It is finally being deemed "unconstitutional" in many states who have been fining people who cannot afford health insurance.
Like anyone refuses health care and insurance for kicks and giggles—it is because it is simply not affordable.
We could be paying over four dollars per gallon for gasoline within the next couple of months. People who are working minimum wage jobs will actually lose money driving to work if they do not have a short ...
A Sports Tribute to Dr. Seuss: A Twist on His Classic Quotes and Book Titles
On March - 2 - 2011
Today is the 107th birthday of Theodor Geisel. Well, it would be had he still been alive.If that name does not sound familiar to many of you, there is a good reason. Geisel was better known to children everywhere as Dr. Seuss.As a matter of fact, even at this age today, any time anyone asks me about the last book, I tell them I can't recall the title, but that it was written by a doctor.They never ask which one.Geisel created so many memorable books and characters that I would like to pay homage to the man, but tie this ...
Sports Jubilation: The 8 Easiest U.S. Cities to Be a Professional Sports Fan
On March - 2 - 2011
Yesterday, following the release of Forbes' most miserable sports cities list, I came up my own list of the toughest U.S. cities to be a professional sports fan. I took more factors into consideration for my list, and feel it is a more accurate depiction of true heartache.
In case you happened to miss the article, click the link to check it out:
Today, I would like to take a look at the eight easiest cities to be a professional sports fan. Although some readers won't agree with some of my guidelines or selections, only cities who have at least three professional ...
Forbes Sports List: Why Atlanta Sports Fans Should Boycott Forbes and the AJC
On March - 1 - 2011
Forbes has released their list of the 10 most miserable sports cities in the United States, and at least one of the cities comes as a great surprise to me. It should come as disgust to sports fans in the city of Atlanta. I recently came up with my own top 10 list of the toughest cities to be a sports fan—and it is a far more accurate ranking in comparison to the one put out by Forbes. When coming up with the most miserable cities for their list, Forbes takes into account a "sports heartbreak index" as opposed to ...
Sports Heartache: The 10 Toughest U.S. Cities to Be a Professional Sports Fan
On March - 1 - 2011
Forbes has released their list of the most miserable sports cities. Some may take a list such as theirs to heart, but I do not.It has nothing to do with the fact that it comes from Forbes, but rather the fact that they consider too many factors while coming up with their choices.Real fans care about two things: Success and progress.Forbes focuses on a "sports heartbreak index" that identifies the city in which fans had teams good enough to give them hope, only to ultimately let them down.Here is their overall top 10, and while I may not agree with all ...
The Charlie Sheen Interview: He Quoted Allen Iverson, so Who Else Would Fit?
On February - 28 - 2011
Charlie Sheen is a huge sports fan. He is also completely and utterly delusional. We are talking about a man who could be on top of the acting world, if he knew how to act appropriately. I have always said that even celebrities and athletes have the right to do what they want on their own time, but this guy is insane!Sheen is the star of his own sitcom, Two and a Half Men. It is based loosely on his life. Actually, the character he plays, who is a womanizing, gambling alcoholic, is in fact far more tame than the man ...