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Jeff Passan, Sports Media, and the Loss of Power

By Uncle Popov On October - 6 - 2009
Jeff Passan is a writer for Yahoo! Sports and formerly of The Kansas City Star; the latter a newspaper, for those who did not know (yes, newspapers do still exist).  And apparently he is a bitter man. Passan recently wrote a column ridiculing Tony Faust’s assessment that the Minnesota Twins, in particular soon-to-be MVP Joe Mauer, were stealing signals from the Detroit Tigers.  Passan is quick to discredit Faust’s analysis by claiming that the latter “does not play baseball, nor is he a scout.”  He later continues to attack Faust by insinuating that it is completely made up; that Faust “manufactured” ...
"I don’t feel like I’m a hypocrite. I feel like I’m human." Those are Josh Hamilton's words on Saturday, Aug. 8, following the publication on Deadspin of pictures proving MLB's "Superman" had in fact relapsed. The public acknowledgment of his relapse diminishes the shine from a great comeback story.  Unfortunately, "tainting" of baseball and baseball-related stories is becoming all too common. While there are some that are outraged at Hamilton, the reaction does not seem to be as severe as the reaction towards Manny Ramirez or David Ortiz.  Both the relapse and the use of steroids tarnish the image of Major League Baseball.  ...
"I don’t feel like I’m a hypocrite. I feel like I’m human." Those are Josh Hamilton's words on Saturday, Aug. 8, following the publication on Deadspin of pictures proving MLB's "Superman" had in fact relapsed. The public acknowledgment of his relapse diminishes the shine from a great comeback story.  Unfortunately, "tainting" of baseball and baseball-related stories is becoming all too common. While there are some that are outraged at Hamilton, the reaction does not seem to be as severe as the reaction towards Manny Ramirez or David Ortiz.  Both the relapse and the use of steroids tarnish the image of Major League Baseball.  ...
Imagine the following scenario on ESPN's SportsCenter: "Today, NFL owners approved the sale of the St. Louis Rams to conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh." Actually, it would not have to be SportsCenter, as it would certainly be a rare case where the sale of a sports franchise attracts the attention of CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. I am sure Keith Olbermann would have much to say about this, while Sean Hannity would note the liberal media's outrage over the "politicization of sports." Now, before I go deeper into this topic, I must first credit both blogger MJD (real name Matthew J. Darnell) ...

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